Birth is powerful… Let it empower you.
There are certain events in life that are unforgettable, transformational & absolutely life changing!! Birth is one of those events!
Birth is a natural process that a woman’s body is designed to do and given the right support, preparation, and knowledge the woman can have a birth that leaves her feeling empowered, and positive about her experience.
A positive birth experience greatly impacts new parents and their ability to begin their family life and parenting feeling confident, capable and empowered. To bring the gift of new life into the world is a time to cherish, the miracle of birth, family and how incredible women’s bodies are!

or scroll down for more information and 2024 program dates

During the past 20 years of working as a holistic practitioner & Remedial Massage Therapist with women and babies, I have become passionate and inspired to hold space and support women & their partners through their birthing journeys.
I am excited to facilitate and teach the beautiful Positive Birth Program by Hypnobirthing Australia™ giving parents the evidence-based tools, techniques, and information that supports ALL births for a positive, empowering, calm birth experience, however your birth unfolds.
What is Hypnobirthing?
Hypnobirthing is as much about mindset as it is about understanding the physiology and function of our body and pelvis for birth.
The blend of many different tools and techniques, such as self- hypnosis, deep relaxation, optimal maternal positioning, gentle touch, breathing techniques and more, enables a deeper, calm awareness and connection to ourselves, preparing our body and mindset for birth. When we change our thought patterns, use different words and language about birth, pregnancy, and labour, we can facilitate a more positive environment and outcome for the woman and her partner as they prepare for their upcoming birth. It is time now, more than ever for birthing couples to claim their birth & have the means to prepare for a positive, inspiring, empowering birth experience.
I believe the Positive Birth Program is a perfect way to benefit couples mentally, emotionally, and physically, helping them to prepare for the birth of their baby, feeling calm and confident and in control. Support, knowledge and preparation are keys to successful outcomes.
‘Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making Mothers – strong, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength.’ Barbara Katz Rothman

The Positive Birth Program of Hypnobirthing Australia™ is a modern, up-to-date hypnobirthing course offering, evidence-based tools, support, online resources, research, knowledge. It combines ancient wisdom and techniques for the preparation and support of parents to have an empowering, positive birth experience regardless of how their baby comes into the world.
The course is supportive of the birth partner to feel comfortable knowing how best to support the birthing woman with tools practised in class, beautiful birth stories, videos, and many links for parents to access to do their own research after the class.
Each couple receive a beautifully presented folio of information, links to access resources, mp3s, videos and comprehensive information to help inspire your birth journey. There are also downloads and a private fb group for inspirational posts and links. Every parent has the opportunity to prepare for their own empowered, positive birth experience.
Every woman deserves to feel safe, heard, and respected especially during her birth. Our birth is the beginning, the foundation for family life, regardless of how we birth, it should be remembered as an inspiring, empowering, calm experience.
‘We cannot birth our babies through sheer force of will. We need to learn the more subtle, the equally powerful, path of surrender.’ Sarah J. Buckley.
Course Outline, Dates and Bookings
The Hypnobirthing Australia ™ courses are recommended for women anytime after the 20th week of pregnancy. The courses are inclusive of birth partners.
The positive Birth Program is suitable for ALL births and can help you prepare for a natural birth, a birth with medical pain relief, induction of labour as well as a caesarean birth. The techniques that you learn will help you feel empowered to make informed decisions if you need to and feel confident in the questions you can ask your caregivers if intervention is suggested.
The Program is a 12-hr modern birth education delivered face to face in a group class that provides women and their partners with the knowledge and tools to have a positive birth experience.
• Female anatomy and changes during pregnancy & birth
• Hormones for birth
• Facilitated partner support
• Birthing environment
• Stages of labour
• Common procedures
• How to ask informed questions
• Self-hypnosis, meditation and deep relaxation
• Optimising babies position for birth
• Skin-to-skin contact, undisturbed bonding time after the birth
All course information is presented in a professionally printed folio, with access to additional resources for after the class, including a library of online resources, downloadable practice albums, eBooks, video tuition and ongoing support.
Our hypnobubs™ hypnobirthing online course is Australia’s most popular online hypnobirth course. It is tried and tested by thousands of parents – so you know that you are giving yourself, partner and baby the best preparation for a positive birth. We recommend starting your online course between 20 and 30 weeks
Join Debbie, in the beautiful Atherton Tablelands and learn proven techniques from Australia’s fastest-growing Childbirth Education Program and prepare for your positive birth experience! ♡
Course Dates – Group sessions 2024
(Face to face) $495 per couple
February – 3 & 4
April – 27 & 28 (Full)
May – 18 & 19
June – 29 & 30
July – 27 & 28
September – 28 & 29
October – 26 & 27
November – 16 & 17
Dates subject to change.
If you’d like to work outside of these dates, please contact me.
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The Units covered over the 2 days…
Unit 1 – Creating and maintaining a positive Mindset
Unit 2 – Our toolkit for birth
Unit 3 – Preparation and choices for empowered birthing
Unit 4 – Birth -bringing it all together
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There are other options if you are not able to attend the two day class…
•You can do part class online/ part class face to face.
•You can do Hypnobubs® online course with a 90min private session with me in person or via video call.
•Please feel welcome to call me and find an option that best suits your needs!
The most important thing to me, is that you feel heard and supported to begin your positive birth journey with ease and flow. ♥
Online Courses

Our hypnobubs™ hypnobirthing online course is Australia’s most popular online hypnobirth course. It is tried and tested by thousands of parents – so you know that you are giving yourself, partner and baby the best preparation for a positive birth. We recommend starting your online course between 20 and 30 weeks
Click on the image for more details.
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